Orgone Capabilities:

  • Turns Negative Energy into Positive Energy
  • Mitigates the harmful effects of EMF waves
  • Strengthens Nature's Own Abilities to Prosper Testimonial Feedback
  • Awakens Psychic Senses Enhances Meditation
  • Awakens Psychic Senses
  • Enhances Meditation


Medium:  3" x 3" x 2.75"

BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, One of the most Powerful & Energetic Healing Stones on the Planet.  Surgical Precision as far as Energy.  Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental.  Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes.  Stimulates Immune System.  All Chakras

LAPIS LAZOLI - Stone of Protection, Intuition & Self Knowledge.  Stimulates Clarity - Inspires to Speak One's Truth, Guards Against Psychic Attacks - Boosts Immune System, Cleanses Organs & Purifies Blood, Third Eye & Throat Chakras

AZURITE - Kuthumi, Guardian Angel(s) - Stone of Heaven - Blue Ray - Truth - Atlantean & Egyptian Psychic Stone / Opens Mind, Stimulates Intellect , Inner Vision & Dream Enhancement - Connects with Sacred Powers / Trust, Faith, Patience, Respect and Sincerity / Highly Conductive Tool for Mediation / Third Eye & Throat Chakras

MICA/GOLDEN MICA  -  Reflection & Self Awareness - Improves Vision and Clarity of Mysticism - Gently Increases Psychic Abilities - Protects against negativity - Balances Earth Energies - Helps with Insomnia, Concentration and Memory - Sun Energy - Mental Clarity + Willpower - Solar Plexus, Third Eye & Crown Chakra

HFF:  High Frequency Formula consisting of:  Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil