AQUA AURA - Quartz/Gold/Aqua Marine - ArchAngel Raziel - Stone of Spiritual Elevation - Protection from Psychic Attacks & Other Drains - Activates Soul Energy - Stimulates Psychic Gifts - Attracts Wealth & Success Cleans & Heals Aura - Raises Vibration of Humanity - Accentuates Other Stones, Enhances Communication & Self Awareness - Calms Emotions - Connects Higher Chakras to One's Spirit - All Chakras
AQUA MARINE - ArchAngel Gabriel & Raguel, Sea Goddess - Stone of Courage - Clarifies Perception - Sharpens Intellect - Useful for Closure on All Levels - Opens Clairvoyance - Shields the Aura & Aligns Chakras - Throat Chakra