Radiance | Key Ingredients

Camu camu – with more vitamin C than any other food source on the planet, camu camu reduces inflammation and protects your skin against oxidative stress

Mangosteen – its impressive array of essential vitamins, minerals, and rare xanthones combat problem skin and inflammation

Pomegranate – one of the top high-antioxidant foods that protects against oxidative damage and inflammation, while regenerating your skin cells

Rosehip – great source of vitamin C and nutrients that help you age more gracefully by restoring your skin moisture, elasticity and youthfulness

Schisandra Berry – revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine as beauty tonic that not only fights skin inflammation, but also restores balance to your HPA-axis to resist stress and help increase energy

Watermelon Seeds – as one of the most nutrient-dense varieties of seeds, its wide range of benefits improve your overall skin health


Full Ingredient List

Organic Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia, fruit), Organic Rosehip (Rosa canina, fruit), Organic Pomegranate (Punica granatum, fruit) 20:1 extract, Organic Inulin (chicory root), Organic Inulin (agave), Schisandra Berry (Schisandra chinensis, fruit) 4:1 extract, Organic Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana, fruit), Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus, seed), Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra, bark), Organic Dulse (Palmaria palmata, whole), Organic Beet (Beta vulgaris, root), Organic Ginger (Zingier officinale, rhizome) 4:1 extract, AuraFlora™ Probiotic Blend 7.5 billion CFU (Bifidobacterium Breve, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Saccharomyces Boulardii, (LactoSpore® (Bacillus Coagulans)), Natural Pomegranate Flavour, Organic Lemon Juice Powder, Organic Stevia Leaf Extract, Organic Ceylon Cinnamon.