Tofino Towel Co.


We are the Originators of the Canadian West Coast Round Towel. Designed in British Columbia, Canada.
We thoughtfully create products and convey a lifestyle that encourages you to consciously slow down, be present in the moment and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. We aim to inspire you to connect with Mother Nature and the people around you.
For us, there is no better place to escape reality and connect with your surroundings than Tofino British Columbia. Burrowed a midst dreamlike settings this enchanted town will fascinate your senses.
We believe in a sustainable approach to fashion and that choosing the right products starts with choosing the right materials. We work directly with various fair-trade artisan makers from around the globe to create high quality multipurpose products that allow you to do more so you can own less.
Every product that we develop is crafted with the intention to be as equally suitable for outdoor and indoor use encouraging our customers to truly Live Outside & Love Inside.


Imagine if every business in the world donated just 1% of their profits, products and peoples time to a meaningful cause outside of their organization. What would that world look like?

At Tofino Towel Co. we believe in a philanthropic & sustainable approach to doing business therefore we will be committed to what we call the 1% MODEL.


We will donate 1% of all profits to local non-profits in order to help preserve the picturesque beaches and precious wild life of the west coast. We are very excited to announce our new partnership with Surfrider Pacific Rim The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beached, for all people, through a powerful activist network. They are a group of coastal defenders dedicated naturalists living and working on the waters of west coast. 

Please follow this button to Surfrider’s Charitable Impact account where you can support their work that is leading action on plastic pollution, promising healthier oceans and coastlines for the people of today and for generations to come. 


We commit to giving back to our community each season through in-kind community donations, charitable sponsorships, and employee engagement initiatives. 

  • We will donate 1% of our product to those in need (example = product donation for charitable silent auctions and local community fundraisers).
  • We will donate 1% of our employee’s time to the protection and enjoyment of the oceans, coast lines and marine wild life of Vancouver Island and the West Coast.