well kept agave exfoliating cloth



well kept’s biodegradable agave exfoliating cloth is the perfect way to help soften skin before shaving with a safety razor.


Furthermore, the agave exfoliating cloth is part of a stewardship program that helps to provide in-school lunches to impoverished children in Mexico.

made from 100% agave fibre
12″ x 14″


Dampen cloth with warm water and exfoliate the skin using gentle, circular motions. Hang to dry.

Recommended For: A 100% agave cloth to exfoliate the face and body.

well kept about us
We’ve been friends for ages, and a few years ago were both adjusting the products we use and consume trying to align them with our values. We were looking for simple products, with natural ingredients and appealing aesthetics and got stuck on not being able to find an alternative for plastic, baby blue razors. After a lot of research and product testing, we decided to create well kept to provide a superior, more sustainable alternative for women’s shaving.

We want to create a space where women can not only give themselves the time to enjoy shaving with natural, sustainable, quality products, but also to speak openly about – leg hair, armpit hair, ‘self-care’ myths, plastic waste, cosmetic industry ingredients – things that don’t always meet the norms of the beauty industry.

Creating a community has been one of the most rewarding parts of this process – welcome to our community!

Emilie & Natalie

Vancouver, Canada

 Made from 100% agave fibre.

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